Boy Bands – The Music that Gets you Dancing

keep-calm-and-love-boy-bands-6We all know that boy bands have a life span.  The popularity of any boy band that has been in existent hasn’t lasted more then four or five years.  They tour like crazy to maintain their popularity and be in the public eye, but in the end their fans grow up and releases the drama that goes a long with liking this kind of a group.  Now, I am not saying that you stop liking their music or if the group comes back from a hiatus you don’t buy tickets to their reunion show, I am talking about the hype that comes along with a boy band.

When I was a teenager a lot my friends liked NSYNC.  So, at thirteen years old I went to a concert and all any girl was doing was screaming.  I was screaming too, but only when they finished a song, not while they were actually singing and dancing.  I was to memorized by their moves, and I was busy dancing into the girl next to me and lip syncing to my friends in our little circle of joy.  All screaming girls and boy cuteness aside, no one can say that boy bands don’t have some of the best dancing music dating back to the Jackson 5 to today.

Every boy/ man I know out there will say that boy bands ‘suck’ and ‘why do you listen to that?,’ but lets be serious for moment.  If you grew up in the 90s you know every word to ‘I Want It That Way’ and ‘Bye Bye Bye.’   Boys around today (including my little brother) know every word to ‘What Makes You Beautiful.’  Would my brother admit that?  Probably, but he is of a different breed and doesn’t really get embarrassed easily.  When a song is popular and is played on the radio 24/7 you learn the words whether you want to or not because it is constantly around; it’s like in your face propaganda with all that boy cuteness and pop style.

Needless to say boy band music just has that great danceability.  I’m sure it has something to do with the four four count, solid consistent beat, and the catchy lyrics that brings everyone to the dance floor.  First you got the beat, which includes a combination of instruments and/ or a sound machine that brings in the counts.  Let’s look at ‘I Want You Back’ by the Jackson 5.  The first thing you hear is the piano with the break through of the cymbal as the guitar and bass come in to give you a nice rhythm.  The drums slowly come in to give you that solid beat as the continuing of that four count beat that was created in the beginning.  The lyrics are catchy and simple.  The most typical word in any boy band song is ‘baby.’  From ‘I Want You Back’ by Jackson 5 to ‘Tearin’ Up My Heart’ by NSYNC to ‘Kiss You’ by One Direction they all have the word ‘baby’ throughout each song.  So the next time you don’t know the words to the hot new boy band song just fake it by not singing it, but dancing to it instead.  Also, I bet if you throw the word ‘baby’ in there a few times you would probably be half right throughout the song.  Click here for some great boy band tunes!